
Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." - Henry Ford

Today my fieldwork group (Ericka, Alex, Madison and James) met at the Mount to discuss our ideas for our fieldwork placement. Our group's topic is New York and the New Nation. We started by planning out what ideas we definitely wanted to include for our unit plan. 

We felt that it was important to know students by name, so for our introduction activity, students will create name tags. After the students have completed their name tags, we will introduce them to our Tagxedo which will introduce the students to vocabulary and important identifications for our unit. Shown below is our Tagxedo project. 

We will ask students to identify and provide descriptions for as many terms as they can. We will explain that if they do not know terms, they will be further explained during our lesson.

After our Tagxedo presentation, we will provide students with a KWL chart. The students will be instructed to fill out the "K" and "W" columns of the chart. Then, students will be asked to share their ideas as we write them on the SmartBoard.

Following our KWL discussion, students will be shown our Prezi. The Prezi presentation will provide students with a graphic way to learn more information about New York and the New Nation.

To conclude the lesson, we will show the students a "teaser." (shown below)

This picture will allow students to make predictions about what our next lesson will be about. (SPOILER ALERT: Artifact Bags)

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